Mydwynter Studios

Month: March 2022

arundoor’s chivalry scroll

arundoor's chiv scroll featured image

Scroll to honor the new knighthood of Arundoor of Anglesey (Arnoddr i Ongulseyju). Hearty words by Anubh na Preachain, design by me, made gorgeously real by Kolfinna Valravn (link to her writeup), with the steadfast support of Lanea inghean Uí Chiaragáin. Whenever I’m designing anything, whether it be a business logo or an award scroll,

kolfinna’s golden dolphin

A gilded version of the bronze age veneration of a sun goddess. A bright, shining, Golden Dolphin. Words by Lanea inghean Uí Chiaragáin, design and transliteration by me, belt plate created by Aurri le Borgne, weaving and text plate created by Ela Mæru. For this piece, I and a few of Kolfinna’s friends joined together