Mydwynter Studios

Tag: scroll

anubh’s pearl

featured image of scroll

Scroll honoring Lady Anubh na Preachain being granted the Order of the Pearl. Words, design, and production by me. Well-come all in | and be warmed by the wisdomof Anubh Na Preachain. | Let Pearls now anointher heart and hearth, | heralding the skillof this coin-reader, | curiosity-currier,tree-wearer, | weaving tapes and tales.The egg nurtures

kolfinna’s laurel

featured image of Kolfinna's scroll

ARTEM FACIAMUS, QUONIAM MOX MORIEMUR (Let us make art, for soon we will die) Scroll for Kolfinna Valravn’s Laurel elevation. Wordified by Iselda de Narbonne and Ishmael Stedfast Reed, concept, design, and art by me. Now buckle up your scroll wheel, this is a big boi. •12″x36″•Noodler’s Black ink•Private Reserve “Sherwood” ink•General’s white charcoal•Strathmore Toned

kilmeny’s pelican

Scroll for Jeane Kilmeny’s Pelican elevation. Design, calligraphy, and illumination by Bran Mydwynter. Wordifying by Ruaidhri An Cu. Presented at King’s Assessment, 25 June 2022. I was so, so honored to be asked to create the scroll for Jeane Kilmeny’s elevation. Not only do I know how much work she pours into the Society, but

esa’s laurel promissory

Laurel promissory scroll for Esa inghean Donnchaidh. Words by Lanea inghean Uí Chiaragáin; design, art, and calligraphy by me. There is a particular episode of the show Leverage where the “hacker” turns to “forger”. I thought of that episode a lot when I was working on this scroll. In the show, the character uses a

arundoor’s chivalry scroll

arundoor's chiv scroll featured image

Scroll to honor the new knighthood of Arundoor of Anglesey (Arnoddr i Ongulseyju). Hearty words by Anubh na Preachain, design by me, made gorgeously real by Kolfinna Valravn (link to her writeup), with the steadfast support of Lanea inghean Uí Chiaragáin. Whenever I’m designing anything, whether it be a business logo or an award scroll,

kolfinna’s golden dolphin

A gilded version of the bronze age veneration of a sun goddess. A bright, shining, Golden Dolphin. Words by Lanea inghean Uí Chiaragáin, design and transliteration by me, belt plate created by Aurri le Borgne, weaving and text plate created by Ela Mæru. For this piece, I and a few of Kolfinna’s friends joined together

valdimárr’s kraken

vandemarr kraken featured image

Kraken award for Valdimárr Broddson, presented 12 February, 2022. Design by Bran Mydwynter, with powerful wording by Lanea inghean Uí Chiaragáin, and gloriously executed by Kolfinna Valravn. Details below. More than any of our collaborations so far, this scroll was truly a product borne up by our creative experience. If we hadn’t spent decades experimenting